March has been a busy month for us, starting with the MCRAG organised Community Dinner – Cook From Scratch event on Saturday 2nd March – something that is becoming harder to do with our very busy lives. We were very lucky to have OKRFM Community Radio broadcasting from the Shack and what a great event this was! Turnout was quite small though – too many people cooking at home?
On March 4th we held our Annual General Meeting. Susan Bott has been re-elected as President, Rose King and Robyn Virgona (welcome Robyn) share the Secretary’s position, and Rose King has been elected as Treasurer. We are hoping to see some greater community interest in our Committee of Management over the coming year or so as current members are aging and eventually will be moving on (down-sizing etc.). From a personal of view, being on the Committee of Management for the last 22 years has been a great learning experience and I have acquired skills and confidence I never imagined I would have. I have also got to meet a lot of really interesting people who have made a difference to my outlook and understanding of life. For young families it is a wonderful opportunity to be involved in community life and help create the community you want for you and your children, one that I can highly recommend.
For the next few months there is some funding available if anyone would like to organise a party for their street (bushfire funding with an expiry date). Contact us if you are interested. Don & Maxine Watson have been doing this for Clarkes Rd. residents for the last four years and their annual events are really valued as a chance to catch up and / or just have a good time. So, don’t be shy – not everyone will come but it’s well worth giving it a go. It won’t cost you anything but time.
Don’t forget you can earn credits toward hiring the hall at reduced cost( or for free!) by donating an hour or two of your time occasionally.
For more information, contact Rose 5783-1661 or email shack [at] upperplenty.com.
‘Just in’ Latest on Class Action which Opened Today 4th March in Court.
Live internet streaming of the Opening and Closing Submissions of Class Action For those who cannot attend but are interested in the Class Action proceedings:
Garden Club – meets on the 4th Wednesday of each month. Next meeting February 2013. Enquiries: Susan 5783-1456.
Introduction to Permaculture for Small Holdings – 20 & 21st April, 10am – 4pm.
You can do this in your suburban backyard!
Enquiries/registration – Judy jj_clarke135 [at] hotmail.com or 0404 seven four zero, two six one.
Don’t forget to check out our website for the latest Upper Plenty news – upperplenty.com
or email us at shack [at] upperplenty.com
More next month – Rose King – Secretary / Treasurer