Upper Plenty Community Advisory Group (UPCAG)
Minutes of Meeting Held 10th December, 2010
Present: Rose King, Hayley Day, Deirdre Payne, Alison Holmberg, Gillian Anderson, James Nelsson, Chris Ogilvie
Apologies: Kate Lawrence, Glenys Broderick
Meeting opened: 9.30am
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Minutes of 8th November 2010 passed. Moved Deirdre Payne, Seconded by Alison Holmberg
Business Arising
Landcare/Creek Rehabilitation – James advised he has been in contact with Anna Zsoldos from Melbourne Water and Rob, the vegetation specialist who has given him a list of plants for the creek area and indigenous trail. James will now sort through the list to find the best plants for this area. James also advised he has a source for signs like used at the Botanical Gardens, he will provide prices to us. James advised that he has emailed Melbourne Water a copy of the Creek Plan and Melbourne Water were happy with what is proposed.
It was noted that no mowing has yet been done as discussed at the creek walk with Scott Gilchrist last month. Hayley advised that she has been in contact with John Smythe from the Council re obtaining mulch for the creek area. Hayley to continue following this up. Rose has advised she will do spot spraying when possible.
Hayley also advised that she had spoken to Natalie Harper from the School re the schools involvement in the creek project and reported that Miss Harper advised that the school was very keen to be involved and thanked the CAG for the offer.
Alison mentioned Mary Martolo and the other volunteers that planted trees at the creek earlier in the year may be a source of volunteers to help with the project and reiterated the need to include the use of volunteers as a provision of the Landcare Grant received earlier in the year.
Rose advised she is also looking into the Volunteer Insurance to make sure we are covered as this insurance is also necessary for our group to be registered as part of the Mitchell Skills Bank organization.
Australia Day – Rose to write a letter to Kevin Butler, acknowledging his appointment to us for Australia Day and also to advise him of the itinerary. Rose also advised that the Entertainment previously mentioned has not yet been organized, she will report any development when it happens.
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Playground – All CAG members voted on the designs submitted by Nick Haslinghouse at the Christmas Luncheon on 26th November 2010 and Deirdre advised that the list of preferences for the playground layouts has been emailed to Nick Haslinghouse. Nick advised that he is also organizing a spreadsheet of all designs and quotes that have been submitted to Council for presentation at the next Project Control Group.
Grants Update – Rose advised PA System has been purchased from Small Volunteers Grant and the cost was $700. A very big thank you to Rose for all her efforts with this.
Status of other Grants included in Treasurers Report.
Treasurers Report – see attached.
MCRAG Report – Alison advised that VBRRA will be winding down however we have been advised that it is envisaged three (3) Engagement Coordinators will remain until 2012. Kim Fawcus will be one of these three (3) people.
Projects being carried that look like going over budget need to put in a variation to RDV (Regional Development Victoria) as soon as possible.
Fire Booklet produced by the Broadford Secondary VCAL Students is now available – booklets will be available at the Christmas Party and more can be sourced if anyone needs them.
Alison advised that Ian Dicker from VBRRA attended the last MCRAG meeting and Mr Dicker has offered to try and assist with better communications between MCRAG and the Mitchell Shire Council.
Hayley advised that the TRE Funding Application has been put in to MCRAG and will advise the outcome once details to hand.
Project Control Group – Nick Haslinghouse to present committee with playground options spreadsheet.
Committee awaiting final designs for Outdoor Area and Storage Room Extension.
VBRRA Sign acknowledging partners in the project is still to be erected on the site.
Next Project Control Group meeting scheduled for Thursday 16th December 2010 at 11am.
New Business
Meeting Times for 2011 – The committee discussed the scheduling of meetings for 2011 and it was thought a more regular approach would be helpful. It was decided meetings would therefore be scheduled on the 2nd Monday of every month at 9am. Moved Rose, Seconded Gillian.
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Red Cross Outreach – The Red Cross is hoping to organize an outreach program for Mitchell at the end of Feb/early March 2011. To run this program they require a volunteer from each of the fire affected communities to attend a couple of meetings to fill Red Cross in on local issues for each of the communities. Rose King has agreed to be the volunteer from Upper Plenty and will liaise directly with Jacqui Simms.
Mitchell Shire Community Projects Planning in Mitchell – This concept was discussed again and it was decided by unanimous vote that Upper Plenty is not ready to undertake this sort of project at this time. Hayley Day to advise Kate Lawrence of decision.
Men’s Events – Further men’s events for 2011 were discussed including: Go Carting, Quad Bike Events, Shed Party’s and Fishing.
Community Monthly Events 2011 – Hayley Day advised that the band that has been playing every month during the last part of 2010 are not available on the 2nd Friday of every month in 2011 and asked if the committee wanted to consider changing the regularity of the events.
It was decided that the monthly BBQ / events for 2011 would be held on the 1st Friday night of every month starting from February 2011, i.e. 4th February 2011. The band will be asked to play for the February and April events having a rest for the March event. It was also decided that the band would be asked to play for special events if they were able.
Christmas Party 2010 – Hayley Day advised that all was organized for the Christmas Party with the caterers being booked for 70 adults and 25 children.
February 7, 2011 Anniversary – It was decided that as the next CAG Meeting was to fall on the 2nd anniversary day of Black Saturday, all residents would be advised that after the meeting ‘The Shack’ would be open for morning tea should any residents wish to gather together for some time for reflection and support.
Next CAG Meeting: Monday 7th February 2011 at 9am.
Meeting Closed: 10.50am